St Vincent's Catholic Primary School

Welcome to our website which is intended to give you an insight into our life and work here at St Vincent’s.

As a Catholic community, Gospel values permeate all aspects of our school life and daily prayer and worship are central to all that we do. We have close links with our parish community and join them for Mass each Thursday. Through getting to know Jesus and placing him at the centre of our lives we live the mission of our school, ‘Growing in faith: loving and learning together with Jesus’ and our community learns the importance of love and respect for all.

Our School is a happy and secure place where children are encouraged to aim for the highest possible standards in all they do. Every child is unique and their individual talents are nurtured and developed throughout their time at St Vincent’s. Our children are encouraged to work hard and all staff are committed to helping each child to reach his/her God-given potential within a safe, caring Catholic environment, through the provision of a curriculum which is suited to the children’s needs and stages of development.


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